Volume 17, Issue 5 (May 2019 2019)                   IJRM 2019, 17(5): 375-376 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Pathology, Command Hospital Air Force, AGRAM Post, Cambridge Layout, Bangalore, India
2- Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Command Hospital Air Force, AGRAM Post, Cambridge Layout, Bangalore, India
Abstract:   (1690 Views)
As defined by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, recurrent miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as two or more failed pregnancies. (1). There are various causes for RPL and yet, in about 40% of cases, no cause can be identified after extensive investigation. It is believed that inherited and acquired thrombophilia like Protein C/S deficiency and genetic mutations in the Factor V and the Prothrombin gene maybe a cause of RPL (2). There is a significant association between the Prothrombin G2021M mutation (PTG) with RPL which has been shown by numerous other studies (3).
The data with respect to PTG G20210A mutations and its association with RPL is scant in Indian population.
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Type of Study: Letter to Editor |

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