Volume 3, Issue 1 (7-2005)                   IJRM 2005, 3(1): 25-29 | Back to browse issues page

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Moein M R, Khalili M A, Davoudi A. The effect of oral administration of Pentoxifylline on sperm motility of asthenozoospermic ejaculates from men with or without testicular varicoceles. IJRM 2005; 3 (1) :25-29
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-28-en.html
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     PX is a methyxanthin derivative in the same pharmacologic group as caffeine that inhibits the breakdown of cyclin adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). This generates cellular glycolysis and endogenous    adenosine    triphosphate    (ATP) production that influences the sperm motion characteristics (1, 2). In general, PX has been reportedly effective in preserving sperm motility in vitro,    also    when   administered   orally   to   the asthenozoospermic patients (3-6).
     One of the major causes of male factor infertility is related to asthenozoospermia, particularly severe cases, which may influence the pregnancy success rates following assisted reproductive techniques (ART) (7). Therefore, a potential pitfall exists for these infertile men where their only infertility problem resides in sperm motility parameters. Thus, improvement of sperm motility with application of PX may not only be beneficial for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) programs, but in some cases, it may also substitute treatment protocols for a more natural treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), or even intra-uterine insemination (IUI) cycles (3).
     In our previous experimental as well as clinical studies, the role of in vitro application of PX on motility of spermatozoa retrieved from different sources of ejaculate, epididymis, and testis were investigated (3, 8). The results demonstrated that PX was successful in enhancing both non-progressive as well as progressive sperm motility. In addition, 60% of microsurgically retrieved samples with total sperm immotility showed motion ability following PX application. Therefore, the main objectives of this prospective study was to evaluate the role of oral administration of PX on sperm progressive motility from asthenozoospermic samples obtained from patients of different age groups. Also the effect of PX on sperm motility of asthenozoospermia from cases with or without mild varicocele of testis was investigated in a controlled setting. According to our knowledge, the later objective of this study has not been reported by other investigators yet.
Materials and Methods
     A total of 68 infertile men with asthenozoospermia were allocated to this prospective clinical trial study. Following physical examination by urologist, 20 of them were found with mild varicocele of testis. The individuals were divided into 2 age groups of <30 and ≥30 years old. All the ejaculates were evaluated under blind conditions at our andrology laboratory. Every patient was assigned to collect two semen samples: one right before oral administration of PX (control) and one three months after PX oral therapy (PX). Asthenozoospermia was defined according to the WHO guideline as samples with <50% progressive sperm motility (9).
     Ejaculate Samples
     Fresh ejaculates were collected by masturbation in sterile containers. Following liquefaction, semen analysis was performed according to WHO guidelines (9). The semen parameters of concentration and 2 types of progressive motility (fast, fast + slow) were evaluated using Makler Chamber and light microscopy. Geimsa (Merck Co., Germany) staining and oil immersion were used for evaluating round cells and percentage of normal sperm morphology.
     Oral Administration of Pentoxifylline
     All patients were administered low dosage of 400mg PX (Apotex Inc., Canada) twice daily for 3 months. For each patient, semen parameters were measured right before and after the PX treatment period.
     Statistical Analysis
     The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software for windows. Paired-t test and non-parametric test (two related sample Wilcoxon test) were applied for the comparison of sperm motility between control (before PX therapy) and PX (after PX therapy) samples. Results are expressed as mean ±SD. p value of <0.05 was considered as significant.
     The mean age of the patients was 39.3±7.7 years old (range: 20-58). Table I presents the results of semen parameters from asthenozoospermic men. The percentage of fast progressive motility of sperms was significantly enhanced by PX (p<0.01). Although, progressive motility of spermatozoa was improved following PX application, but this was insignificant (29.60% versus 26.82%). The rates of fast as well as progressive motility of spermatozoa from patients with or without varicocele of testis are presented in Table II. The results showed that significant fast progressive motility was observed in both groups of patients with or without varicocele. Table III represents the correlation between different age groups with rate of sperm progressive motility. In general, patients younger than 30 years were presented with  higher rate of sperm  motility   thanolder men before application of PX. Following PX therapy, fast motility of spermatozoa from both age groups enhance significantly (p<0.05).

     In our previous study on the effect of in vitro application of PX on motility of spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic samples, progressive motility was significantly increased from 26.5% to 44.8% (p<0.001) (3). This is not in agreement with our current study, where progressive motility was slightly increased following oral administration of PX. However, the results showed that significant improvement of fast progressive motility was achieved after PX oral therapy. Therefore, it seems that PX is more effective in stimulating sperm motility when applied in vitro to the culture media. In a study done by Shen et al. (1991), in vitro and in vivo effect of PX on sperm motility was measured for the treatment of male infertility (10). In vitro application of PX increased the motility of ejaculated sperm of asthenozoospermic patients. Also, oral application of PX for three months significantly enhanced the progressive motility, with no effect on concentration of spermatozoa.  They concluded that PX may be used either in vitro or in vivo for improving asthenozoospermia. In another study, 15 young men with asthenozoospermia were admitted for oral therapy of 1200 mg/day PX (high dosage) for over four months (11). The results showed a significant improvement of progressive motility. It is important to note that five patients achieved a normalization of their semen quality. Therefore, it seems   that   PX  is   a   beneficial   alternative  for treatment of men with asthenozoospermia. In addition, 65 infertile men with either asthenozoospermia or oligozoospermia were treated with oral PX for three months. In asthenozoospermia group, a significant increase of progressive motility of sperm was noted which concurrently improved the conception rate. However, the semen parameters in oligozoospermic men were not affected. It was proposed that PX treatment improves the microcirculation  within  the epididymis as  well as male accessory sex glands. This may lead to an improved sperm maturation / motility (12). In the present study, we noticed that PX was a safe drug with no deteriorating effect on semen parameters of concentration or sperm morphology. This is important in clinical settings, because while the quality of motility is improved with a useful drug- PX, other parameters such as sperm concentration, should not be negatively affected.
     In one study, 1200mg/day of PX was administered orally to twenty-five patients with asthenozoospermia, sperm motility was enhanced from 25.5% to 35.5% and 42% after three and six months of treatment, respectively. Control semen samples showed some, but insignificant, change in sperm motility with PX. Also, no statistical changes were found in other semen parameters. The results suggested that PX is useful treatment in cases of male infertility with asthenozoospermia (4). Furthermore, role of oral administered PX on motility and density of sperms, as well as fertilization rate were investigated by Faka et al. in 1994 (13). In contrast to our results, their study showed that PX did not improve the motility, density, or fertilization rate. However, they only investigated their work on 14 patients with poor semen parameters. It is, therefore, possible that if they would study on a larger series of cases with only asthenozoospermia, a different outcome would be achieved.
     Another finding generated from this investigation was the effect of oral PX on sperm fast motility obtained from men with or without mild testicular varicoceles. In humans, varicoceles have a variable influence on testicular function, leaving it unaltered in some cases, but causing spermatogenic arrest in others (14). Also, it may result in impairment of sperm production and abnormal semen quality ranging from oligospermia to azoospermia (15). Our findings showed that a comparable motility characteristic was observed in cases with or without varicoceles. However, the oral therapy of PX improved the fast sperm motility in both groups of men (p<0.05). This may indicate that presence or absence of varicoceles is not involved with the enhancing effect of PX on motility. Pasqualotto et al. (2005) also found that sperm motility was lower in patients with varicocele (37.2%) than cases without varicocele (58.9%) (16). The difference was, of course, significant. In contrast, our results showed that the rate of sperm progressive motility in patients with varicoceles, and those lacking varicoceles were similar.
     The other goal of the present study was to rule out the association of male age and sperm motility. The results confirmed that men under the age of 30 had higher rate of progressive motility of sperms, when compared with older men. However, the stimulating effects of PX on sperm motility of both age groups were similar. This shows that, although in natural condition the age is directly associated with quality of sperm motility, but PX is not. A recent study by Eskenazi et al. (2003), on 97 non-smoking men aged from 22 to 80 years showed that sperm progressive motility decreased by 3.1% per year. It was shown that sperm motility decreased continuously between 22-80 years of age, with no evidence of a threshold (17). However, Kumtepe and associates (2003) did not observe any differences in sperm parameters in 2 groups of patients <40 (n=692) or >40 (188) years old (18). There is still controversy whether advanced male age is associated with poor sperm quality or not. In our study, we divided the infertile men into two age groups of <30 and ≥30 years old. There were two reasons to define 30 years for dividing the study population into the aforementioned age groups. First, the number of cases were comparable in two groups of <30 and ≥30 years (38 vs. 30). Secondly, the number of men beyond 40 was very limited in our patients under study. Therefore, to draw a conclusion on the sperm motility in relation to male age, we noticed that advancing age is directly related with poor sperm progressive motility. However, PX was significantly effective in improving sperm fast motility in different age groups.
     In conclusion, our results showed that PX is a useful drug for treating the sperm motion characteristics of patients with asthenozoospermic ejaculates. Also, asthenozoospermic patients with mild varicocele of testis may benefit from the oral therapy of PX. Finally, regardless of the male age, the results showed that significant improvement was observed on sperm fast motility. Whether PX should be applied in vitro or in vivo to enhance sperm motility needs further investigation.
     The authors wish to thank the clinical and laboratory staff of Research and Clinical Center for Infertility for their kind assistance in this prospective clinical study. Also, authors would like to appreciate Dr. Ashok Agarwal, the director of Center for Advanced Research in Human Reproduction, Infertility, and Sexual Function in Cleveland, Ohio for his kind suggestions during the preparation of this manuscript.
Type of Study: Original Article |

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