Volume 8, Issue 3 (7-2010)                   IJRM 2010, 8(3): 135-138 | Back to browse issues page

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Pourmatroud E, Hosein Rashidi B, Rahmani M. Perifollicular and subendometrial blood flow and ICSI cycle outcome. IJRM 2010; 8 (3) :135-138
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-186-en.html
1- Vali-e-asr Reproductive Health Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , e.pourmatroud@yahoo.com
2- Vali-e-asr Reproductive Health Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3- Emam Khomini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tahran, Iran
Abstract:   (2399 Views)
Background: There is a fundamental correlation between follicles and endometrium in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles.
Objective: To assess the relation between perifollicular perfusion and sub endometrial parameters in Doppler ultrasonography and outcome of in ICSI cycles.
Materials and Methods: In this prospective deh1ive pilot study 10 patients were enrolled. Strict inclusion criteria were considered. Routine long protocol was used for ICSI. On the day of follicle retrieval colour Doppler indices were determined. Sub endometrial pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI) and perifollicular perfusion were assessed. After oocyte retrieval the count of metaphase 2 (M2) oocytes emberyo with grade A quality and the result of cycle were evaluated also.
Results: RI and PI indices had a positive correlation. Follicles with ≥18 mm diameter and follicles with >75% perfusion had a direct relation. Also subendometrial RI had a significant relation with follicular status (p-value= 0.04) But there was not a significant triple correlation (between endometrium follicles and outcome).
Conclusion: The mutual effects of vascularization status in two fundamental parts in ART is still unclear. The evaluation with Doppler ultrasonography should focus on two compartments together as one functional part at the same time. It means even in presence of good markers in each part the final decision must be taken by co-evaluation of follicles and endometrium.
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Type of Study: Original Article |

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