Volume 21, Issue 1 (January 2023)                   IJRM 2023, 21(1): 1-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Samadian E, Aghcheli B, Gharaei R, Tabarraei A. A review on human reproductive systems encountering with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. IJRM 2023; 21 (1) :1-16
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-2556-en.html
1- Laboratory Sciences Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
2- Infection Diseases Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
3- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
4- Infection Diseases Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran. , Tabarraei@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1044 Views)
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) is the leading cause of the new deadly pneumonia named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This pathogen has different co-receptors on various tissues, resulting in vast pathophysiological circumstances. Here, we present a comprehensive narrative review focusing on the impact of SARS-CoV2 on human reproduction. Evidence-based literature revealed inconsistent results for this virus in the reproductive organs of patients with COVID-19, even in the critical phase. Conversely, numerous satisfactory data represented those different reproductive activities, from gametogenesis to pregnancy, can be targeted by SARS-CoV2. The severity of COVID-19 depends on the differential expression of the host cellular components required to enter SARS-CoV2. The cytokine storm and oxidative stress coming out during COVID-19 are associated with complications in reproductive endocrinopathies. Men are naturally more susceptible to COVID-19, especially accompanied by orchitis and varicocele. Synergistically the interaction of SARS-CoV2 and female reproductive failures (polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis) increases the susceptibility to COVID-19. Thus, pharmaceutical interventions that ameliorate the complications in individuals with reproductive disorders can be helpful to achieve good outcomes in assisted reproductive techniques. Soon, an increase in the infertility rate will likely be an overall impact of SARS-CoV2 in patients who recovered from COVID-19.
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Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Reproductive Epidemiology

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