Volume 10, Issue 4 (8-2012)                   IJRM 2012, 10(4): 363-372 | Back to browse issues page

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Salman S, Kumbasar S, Hacimuftuoglu A, Ozturk B, Seven B, Polat B, et al . The effect of metyrosine/prednisolone combination to oophorectomy-induced osteoporosis. IJRM 2012; 10 (4) :363-372
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-291-en.html
1- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Igdir National Hospital, Igdir, Turkey
2- Department of Pharmacology, Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Erzurum, Turkey
3- Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Erzurum, Turkey
4- Department of Pathology, Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Erzurum, Turkey
5- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Erzurum, Turkey
6- Department of Biochemistry, Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Erzurum, Turkey
7- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
8- Department of Pharmacology, Ataturk University, Medical Faculty, Erzurum, Turkey , halis.suleyman@gmail .com
Abstract:   (2838 Views)
Background: Osteoporosis is a chronic disease characterized by a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) and corruption of the microarchitectural structure of bone tissue.
Objective: It was investigated whether methylprednisolone had a favorable effect on osteoporotic bone tissue in Oophorectomy induced osteoporotic rats whose endogenous adrenaline levels are suppressed with metyrosine.
Materials and Methods: Bone Mineral Density, number of osteoblast-osteoclast, bone osteocalcin levels and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) measurements were performed. Obtained results were compared with that of alendronate.
Results: Oophorectomy induced osteoporosis was exacerbated by methylprednisolone. Alentronate prevented ovariectomised induced osteoporosis, but it couldn’t prevent methylprednisolone +ovariectomised induced osteoporosis in rats.
Conclusion: Combined treatment with methylprednisolon and metyrosine was the best treatment for preventing osteoporosis but metyrosine alone couldn’t prevent osteoporosis in ovariectomised rats.
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Type of Study: Original Article |

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