Volume 12, Issue 9 (10-2014)                   IJRM 2014, 12(9): 623-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Peyghambari F, Amanpour S, Fayazi M, Haddadi M, Muhammadnejad S, Muhammadnejad A, et al . Expression of α4, αv, β1 and β3 integrins during the implantation window on blastocyst of a mouse model of polycystic ovarian syndromes. IJRM 2014; 12 (9) :623-0
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-581-en.html
1- Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Yazd, Iran
2- Vali-e-Asr Reproductive Health Research Centre, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Anatomical sciences, Medical Sciences Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4- Tumor Model Research Center, Cancer Institute of Iran, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5- Department of Physiology, Medical Sciences Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
6- Department of Anatomical sciences, Medical Sciences Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , z_mazaheri@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2818 Views)
Background: It has been hypothesized that blastocyst integrin expression changes can affect the spontaneous miscarriage in polycystic ovarian syndromes (PCOS).
Objective: In this study, the profile of integrin genes and proteins was investigated on blastocyst of the PCOS experimental mouse model.
Materials and Methods: 30 NMRI female mice were equally divided into 3 groups: control, experimental [PCOS that was injected estradiol valerate (40 mg/kg)]. After 8 weeks, each group was hyper stimulated by PMSG and HCG. Vaginal plaque was checked, and mice were investigated 5 days after the test. Progesterone and estradiol levels were determined; α4, αv, β1 and β3 integrin genes and protein of blastocysts were examined by real time PCR method and immunohistochemistry, respectively.
Results: Estradiol level was significantly increased (p≤0.035) in PCOS group. Based on our finding, the ratio of genes' expressions αv, β3, β1 and α4 in PCOS to control group was 0.479±0.01, 0.5±0.001, 2.7±0.4 and 1.023±0.2 respectively. Genes expression showed a great difference (p≤0.001) between β3, β1 and αv in PCOS compared to other groups. αv and β3 integrin proteins expressed in all groups but intensity of these proteins in PCOS groups, was lower than other groups.
Conclusion: Pattern of αv and β3 integrins expression on the mouse blastocyst surface has an important effect during the implantation window. This pattern has changed in PCOS model and might have a great influence on implantation failure. Therefore, this experimental study suggests that a great attention to this problem may be essential in patients who are involved.
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Type of Study: Original Article |

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