Volume 13, Issue 10 (10-2015)                   IJRM 2015, 13(10): 657-664 | Back to browse issues page

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Ferreira F R, Russo Akiba H R, Araujo Júnior E, Niglio Figueiredo E, Riedel Abrahão A. Prevention of birth defects in the pre-conception period: knowledge and practice of health care professionals (nurses and doctors) in a city of Southern Brazil. IJRM 2015; 13 (10) :657-664
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-592-en.html
1- Department of Administration and Public Health, Paulista School of Nursing, Federal University of São Paulo (EPE-UNIFESP), São Paulo-SP, Brazil
2- Department of Obstetrics, Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo Federal University (EPM-UNIFESP), São Paulo-SP, Brazil , araujojred@terra.com.br
Abstract:   (2666 Views)
Background: Some congenital defects can be prevented in the pregestational stage. However, many health professionals are not prepared to provide counselling to couples regarding the same. Objective: This study aimed to assess the performance of doctors and nurses from a primary health-care unit in Florianopolis, Brazil, in preventing birth defects in the preconception period based on the recommendations of the Control Center of Disease Prevention. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was performed at a tertiary referral center. In this study, a semi-structured questionnaire was provided to 160 health professionals comprising doctors and nurses who were actively involved in providing primary health care in family health programs. The non-parametric Chi-square (χ2) test was used to analyse the data obtained through multiple choice questions. Results: Our results showed that although 81.9% of health professionals provided health-care assistance based on protocols, and only 46.2% professionals were aware of the presence of the topic in the protocol. Of the recommendations provided by the Control Center of Disease Prevention, the use of folic acid was the most prescribed. However, this prescription was not statistically different between nurses and doctors (P=0.85). Conclusion: This study identified the fragile nature in these professional’s knowledge about the prevention of birth defects in pre-conception period, as evidenced by the inconsistency in their responses.
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