Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2016)                   IJRM 2016, 14(2): 103-108 | Back to browse issues page

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Rasti Z, Nasiri M, Kohan L. The IL-6 -634C/G polymorphism: a candidate genetic marker for the prediction of idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss. IJRM 2016; 14 (2) :103-108
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-723-en.html
1- Department of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan Branch, Arsanjan, Iran
2- Young Researchers and Elite Club, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan Branch, Arsanjan, Iran , nasiri@iaua.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3807 Views)
Background: Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is defined as two or more miscarriages before the 20 th week of gestation and its etiology is unknown in 50% of the cases. Interleukin 6 is an immune mediator, plays a regulatory role in embryo implantation and placental development.
Objective: The purpose was to assess the association between IL-6 -634C/G polymorphism and, susceptibility to idiopathic RPL for the first time in Iran.
Materials and Methods: In total 121 women with RPL and 121 healthy women as control group were enrolled in this case-control study. This study was performed from August 2013 to October 2014 in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of Arsanjan University. Candidate polymorphism was evaluated by PCR-RFLP method on extracted genomic DNA. Data was analyzed using the statistical SPSS package.
Results: Our results showed an increased risk of RPL in patients with GG + GC genotype (OR=5.1, 95%CI: 1.04-25.3, p=0.04) in comparison to CC genotype. The frequency of mutant allele G in patients and controls was 0.75 and 0.66 respectively. The mutant allele G predisposes women to miscarriage 1.5 times greater than controls (OR=1.5, 95%CI: 1.03-2.27, p=0.036). The mean number of live births in RPL women (1.3±2.3) was significantly lower compared to control women (4.8±2.3).
Conclusion: This study indicated that the promoter polymorphism (-634C/G) of the IL-6 gene has likely influence on individual susceptibility to RPL.  
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Type of Study: Original Article |

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