Volume 14, Issue 6 (6-2016)                   IJRM 2016, 14(6): 403-410 | Back to browse issues page

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Soleimani Mehranjani M, Mansoori T. Stereological study on the effect of vitamin C in preventing the adverse effects of bisphenol A on rat ovary. IJRM 2016; 14 (6) :403-410
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-756-en.html
1- Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran , m-soleimani@araku.ac.ir
2- Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (3067 Views)
Background: Bisphenol A (BPA), an environmental pollutant, can generate free radicals which damages the reproductive system. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which may prevent the adverse effects of free radicals.
Objective: The aim was to investigate the effect of vitamin C on the ovary tissue in rats treated with BPA.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 24 female Wistar rats (200±20 gr) were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=6): control, BPA (60 μg/Kg/day), vitamin C (150 mg/Kg/day) and BPA + vitamin C and orally treated for 20 days. The left ovaries were taken out, fixed for tissue processing and studied using stereological methods. Data were analyzed with SPSS using one-way ANOVA, and the means were considered significantly different at (p<0.05).
Results: The total volume of ovary and cortex (p<0.01), medulla (p<0.05), the volume of corpus luteum (p<0.001) and the mean number of antral follicles (p<0.001) significantly reduced in BPA group compared with control, while the number of atretic follicles increased (p<0.05). The volume of oocyte (p<0.01) and its nucleus (p<0.001) in the antral follicles and the thickness of zona pellucida (ZP) in the secondary (p<0.05) and antral (p<0.001) follicles significantly decreased in BPA group compared with controls. The above parameters in the BPA + vitamin C group were compensated to control level.
Conclusion: Vitamin C can be used as a potential antioxidant in the case of BPA toxication.
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Type of Study: Original Article |

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