1. Introduction
A previous study reported that LH levels were directly related to kisspeptin levels (11). Women with PCOS have also had high levels of kisspeptin (12). PCOS can be described as the disturbed organization of the hypothalamic kisspeptin system, possibly due to exposure to abnormal levels of sex steroid hormones, such as androgens, during early life (12, 13). Previous studies have shown that kisspeptin mRNA levels and the number of kisspeptin neurons in the arcuate nucleus region of the hypothalamus were elevated in animal models of PCOS (14, 15). kisspeptin is considered as one of the activator factors for GnRH neurons, therefore the increasing in the number of kisspeptin-producing cells or the levels of kisspeptin mRNA could be a potential cause of increased GnRH neuron activity and LH secretion leading to PCOS development (16, 17). It has been shown that kisspeptin knockout in healthy mice causes LH pulse disruption, which is followed by irregular estrous cycles and defects in ovarian folliculogenesis (18).
This experimental study was conducted in 2018-2019 in the biotechnology department of Yazd Research and Clinical Center for Infertility, Yazd, Iran. In this study, the inclusion criteria were PCOS model.
A significant reduction in the serum TT levels was observed in rats of group 1' compared to the rats of group 2' (p = 0.02), and the levels of TT in group 1' reached to the TT levels in controls (3' and 4'). Median and IQ25-75 in study's groups (1', 2', 3' and 4') were 0.02 (0.02-0.02), 0.02 (0.02-3.87), 0.02 (0.02-0.02), 0.02 (0.02-0.02), respectively (p = 0/02).
3.6. Ovarian weight and morphology
No significant differences were observed in the ovarian weights of rats in 4 groups (1', 2', 3', and 4') (p = 0.4) (Table I).
The results of ovarian morphology are presented in table I. An increase was observed in the numbers of preantral and antral follicles in group 2' compared to 1', 3', and 4' groups in adulthood. Also, the number of preovulatory follicles and corpora lutea significantly lower than in rats of group 2'. On the other hand, the number of follicles and corpora lutea in group 1' was similar to controls (groups 3' and 4') (Table I) (p < 0.001).
4. Discussion
In the present study, we found that prenatally-androgenized rats exposed to a single dose of P271 during fetal life (embryonic day 20) exhibit normal ovarian tissue in terms of folliculogenesis and ovulation, regular estrous cycles, and normal serum levels of TT in adulthood. Therefore, it seems that prenatal exposure to kisspeptin antagonist can prevent the development and appearance of PCOS in adult life, despite the exposure to androgens during fetal life.
Alterations in follicles number (increased numbers of preantral and antral follicles and a decrease in preovulatory follicles) in the ovary and the appearance of cystic follicles in our prenatally-androgenized rat model of PCOS are similar to the previous studies findings (20, 32). Generally, as discussed above, androgen overexposure during fetal life could alter the structure and function of the HPO axis in females. Disrupted folliculogenesis can be due to some possible mechanisms such as abnormality in the secretory function of the granulosa cells and excessive secretion of estrogens, decreased sensitivity of ovarian follicles to follicle-stimulating hormone, and an increase in the secretion of LH and testosterone leading to increased activity of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Additionally, following an increase in the levels of androgen, intraovarian hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 1 activity is inhibited, which causes the formation of ovarian cysts as reported in women with PCOS (33).
In the present study, PCOS rats showed an irregular estrous cycle, a finding in agreement with previous studies (20, 34). This could be due to the irregularities and changes that occurred in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis following prenatal exposure to androgens (35).
In the present study, in agreement with previous studies, a significant increase in body weight of the rat model of PCOS compared to other groups was observed (20, 38). The relationship between obesity and PCOS has previously been reported (39). This increase may be due to increased insulin resistance in the PCOS group, which is due to decreased insulin binding to its receptor or defective in receptor autophosphorylation due to insulin receptor mutation (40).
Kisspeptin, a hypothalamic peptide encoded by the kiss1 gene (41) as a regulator of the HPO axis, plays an important role in the onset of puberty and the maintenance of reproductive function (9, 15). It has been reported that kisspeptin through binding to its receptor controls GnRH secretion. Therefore, kisspeptin can involve in the pathophysiology of the HPO axis. A previous study proposed that exposure to elevated levels of androgens during early life can negatively affect the hypothalamic-kisspeptin system (13). Subsequently, it may lead to the development of PCOS. Studies in animals and humans have reported increased hypothalamic expression of kisspeptin and GnRH in PCOS conditions (12, 13, 42). An experimental study indicated that kisspeptin antagonist decreases LH pulse frequency and amplitude (43). As a result, kisspeptin antagonist through deceasing in the activity of GnRH neurons may improve GnRH/LH pulse frequency in PCOS subjects (12, 21). In line with this evidence, our study results revealed that prenatal exposure to kisspeptin antagonist during the development of the HPO axis can prevent the appearance of PCOS phenotype (irregular sexual cycles, androgen excess, ovulation dysfunction, and ovarian cysts) in adulthood, despite exposure to androgens during fetal life. In our previous study conducted on prenatally-androgenized rats, decreases in GnRH mRNA expression, levels of sex steroid hormone, and gonadotropins were observed in prenatally-kisspeptin antagonist-exposed rats. Additionally, in agreement with a previous study, in the present study, kisspeptin-antagonist-treated rats showed regular estrous cycles, probably due to the inhibition of increased gonadotropin secretion and the inhibition of neuron GnRH activity following exposure to kisspeptin antagonist (21). 5. Conclusion Prenatal exposure to kisspeptin antagonist can prevent PCOS development in adult life, despite the exposure to androgens during fetal life. However, further studies are needed to confirm and expand our findings. Acknowledgments We thank the laboratory personnel of Yazd Royan Institute for their help to perform all of the experiments. This work was supported by the project (no. 13151) of the Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Conflict of Interest The authors declare that there are no conflict of interest.
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