Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2008)                   IJRM 2008, 6(2): 45-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Taheripanah R, Hosseini M S, Hashemi M. Tubal patency after ultrasound guided local injection of KCL to tubal ectopic pregnancy with alive fetus. IJRM 2008; 6 (2) :45-0
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-100-en.html
1- Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept, IRHRC Center, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran , Taheripanahf@yahoo.com
2- Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept, Imam Hossein Hospital, Shahid Beheshti university (M.C),Tehran, Iran
3- Pathology Department, Shahid Beheshti University (M.C), Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3045 Views)
Background: Ectopic pregnancy is one of the pathologic entities that it destroys the fallopian tube and impairs the future pregnancy. There are different medical and surgical therapies in order the treatment and reserve of fertility. The aim of this report is discuss a case of successful intrauterine after management of ectopic pregnancy with local injection of KCL in an infertile PCOD patient.
Case: The patient was a PCOD woman with gestational age of 8.5 weeks. One gestational sac and alive fetus with normal heart beat was seen in the right adnexa. Hemodynamic situation was stable. 0.5cc KCL 10% was injected to the fetal heart and the extracted tissue sent for pathology. We evaluated the effects of this treatment by measuring serial human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) titers. Moreover, we used hysterosalpingogrphy to diagnose and to evaluate the patency of the tubes. Induction ovulation and intrauterine insemination was done and pregnancy occurred. Patient passed the pregnancy very good and she delivered by cesarean section due to breech presentation at 39 weeks of gestational age. There was no sign of pathologic finding in the tubes or adhesion or sequel of ectopic pregnancy.
Conclusion: The beneficial outcomes of this kind of treatment suggest that local injection of KCL as a low invasive treatment can be the choice treatment for alive and progressed ectopic pregnancy or heterotopic pregnancy. Because of rarity of this management and successful intrauterine we reported the usefulness of local KCL injection for the successful conservative treatment of alive ectopic pregnancy in Iran.
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