Volume 17, Issue 5 (May 2019 2019)                   IJRM 2019, 17(5): 315-324 | Back to browse issues page

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Roudsari R L, Jafari H, Taghipour A. The relationship of sociocultural beliefs and infertile couples’ attitude toward reproductive donation: A descriptive-correlational study. IJRM 2019; 17 (5) :315-324
URL: http://ijrm.ir/article-1-1515-en.html
1- Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Centre, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
2- Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
3- Social Determinants of Health, Research Centre, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Abstract:   (2982 Views)
Background: There are controversial views on accepting a reproductive donation inthe world.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between the socioculturalbeliefs and infertile couples’ attitude toward reproductive donation in Mashhad, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive correlational study was conducted out on 115infertile couples visiting Milad Infertility Center in Mashhad, Iran with using conveniencesampling. The research instruments were valid and reliable sociocultural beliefs andattitude questionnaires, which were completed by the respondents on a self-reportbasis.Results:The mean score of attitude toward reproductive donation in infertile womenand men was 58.3±12.6 and 57.8±12.0, and the mean score of sociocultural beliefs ininfertile women and men was 67.7±11.5 and 67.6±12.4, respectively. There was a directcorrelation between sociocultural beliefs and attitude toward reproductive donationin infertile women (p<0.001) and men (p<0.001), that is, women and men with ahigher score of sociocultural beliefs had a higher score of attitude as well. A directcorrelation was also seen between sociocultural beliefs and infertile women and men’spublic attitude, their attitude towards genetic bound between parents and children,their attitude regarding the issue of confidentiality of the donation process, as well asattitude in relation to oocyte donation, embryo donation, and surrogacy (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The findings suggest that sociocultural beliefs that surround reproductivedonation could influence infertile couple’s attitude toward accepting these therapeuticalternatives in infertile couples. It is therefore recommended to take steps toincorporate sociocultural beliefs into the routine care of infertile couples with the helpof social media to give them ability for making more pragmatic decision in relation totheir chosen options
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Type of Study: Original Article |

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