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XML Evaluation of changes in the expression of Wnt/β-catenin target genes in mouse reproductive tissues during estrous cycle: An experimental study
Saeed Zavareh *, Zahra Gholizadeh, Taghi Lashkarbolouki
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Hypertensive disorders of in-vitro fertilization pregnancies: A study from Kosovo
Merita Vuniqi-Krasniqi, Myrvete Paçarada, Qëndresë Daka *, Zeqir Dervishi, Astrit Bimbashi, Kushtrim Dakaj
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Endometrial mesenchymal stem stromal cells in mature and immature sheep: An in vitro study
Farnaz Ghobadi, Farhad Rahmanifar, Davood Mehrabani *, Amin Tamadon, Mehdi Dianatpour, Shahrokh Zare, Iman Razeghian Jahromi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Association between seminal plasma neopterin and oxidative stress in male infertility: A case-control study
Tayebeh Ghiasvand, Mohammad Taghi Goodarzi *, Gholamreza Shafiee, Alireza Zamani, Jamshid Karimi, Marzieh Ghorbani, Iraj Amiri
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effect of quercetin on the number of blastomeres, zona pellucida thickness, and hatching rate of mouse embryos exposed to actinomycin D: An experimental study
Hamid Reza Sameni, Sara Sadat Javadinia, Manouchehr Safari, Mohammad Hasan Tabrizi Amjad, Nasrin Khanmohammadi, Houman Parsaie, Sam Zarbakhsh *
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Maternal history and uterine artery wave form in the prediction of early-onset and late-onset preeclampsia: A cohort study
Nidhi Sharma *, Krishnamurthy Jayashree, Kulasekaran Nadhamuni
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Macroscopic features of the kidneys of fetuses and newborns in preeclampsia: postmortem observational study
Iryna Sorokina, Tetyana Ospanova, Mykhailo Myroshnychenko *, Iryna Korneyko
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A case report of Ggeneralized uterine arteriovenous malformation after molar pregnancy in an infertile woman
Firoozeh Ahmadi *, Somayeh Moukhah
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
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